Close up of chocolate succulents
The cake is a lie


Project Overview

Eadum was produced as part of a Empathy in Design class. The overall goal of the project was to create something that would address all of our senses.

The product is a edible succulent garden that is made entirely out of chocolate. Developed as a housewarming gift, it would delight both for plant people and noobies alike.

Everything besides the pot is edible. Once you finish the cake, there’s room for you to add a living plant to your collection.

Soil Amendment

Typical to gardening, amending soil helps you enrich the medium your plants go in. It is a beneficial step of care for plants in containers. To elevate the eating experience, soil amendment was included so you could take care of your succulent cake’s health. Each cake comes with a bag of amendment made up of different sized sprinkles to replicate perlite.

A bag of sprinkle soil amendment sits near a chocolate succulent


Once amendment is added, the texture adds to the soil reality. By having rocklike texture through the cake, it plays to the textural quality. Throughout the process of developing this cake, I was constantly looking for more ways to up the believability and the enjoyment of the project. Much of this exploration was tested by eating cake and other chocolates made.

Crumbled cake soil with amendment added


Larger succulents were made from chocolate molded into leaves.

Smaller succulents were made from molding chocolate. Cacti were made of piped colored white chocolate.

Chocolate rocks were used to mimic a top dressed pot while remaining edible.

Chocolate cake was the stand-in for dirt and the soil amendment is made up of different sized sprinkles. 

All components of Eadum laid out: large chocolate succulents, cactus, chocolate rocks, and amended cake soil

Branding and Advertising Photos

I set up timers and staged all the photos. The hands in the photo are mine and took trial and error to get that gift like quality to the images.

Eadum scake with a plant tag sticking out of it. The tag features a leafy logo and says Eadum
Hands gifting the cake in a white ceramic pot.


